PM-KISAN scheme means ‘Prime Minister of the Kisan Sanman Nidhi’.
Main purpose:
The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sanman Nidhi Yojana has been a announced by the Government of the India as a 100% Central Assistance Scheme to the help farming families as a part of the increasing in the income of the farmers...
Assistance Standard:
Rs.5000 per a annul will be a available to the farmer family through Direct Benefit Transfer. Which will be a paid in three equal installments at the intervals of four months. The first installment will be a from December 2018 to 31/06/2018. The second are installment will bee then be a paid a every four months.
Husband, wife and the minor children who have a any individual or a jointly cultivable land (excluding institutional landowners) and none of them are eligible for a assistance. Eligible for a assistance.
Details required to apply for assistance:
Farmer's name, village, taluka, Aadhaar number, category, I F S C code and bank account in a details.
What can a farming family do to benefit?
- Account holders who want to the avail in the benefit of this scheme should apply online on the portal
- Apply through a service are provider such as a Village Computer Entrepreneur (V C E), Milk Society, Cooperative in a Society, any other government or a cooperative organization / person.
The applicant will bee have to take a printout of the form and the attached agreement along with the details and submit to a copy of the check or a passbook and a self-certified copy of the Aadhaar card to the data entry center for a bank account in a details. Talati will bee have to collect all the details / documents. If Aadhaar card number is not a available as the first installment of the first year of the implementation of the scheme, then Aadhaar enrollment number, driving license, election card etc. will bee have to be a given as a identity card. But then Adhara card as well as Adhara seed bank account in a details will have to be a given a compulsorily.
If the person named on the land are record from the land holding farming in the family is not in the village or a does not live in the village, another adult member of the farming family can submit a contract on their in a behalf. For which the person making in the declaration will have to the mention his name and his relationship with in the land holder below in the contract.
Applications will be a considered to the eligible for a assistance after the approval in the Gram Sabha
Standards for land holding:
In order to the calculate the land holdings, the land holdings as on a 01/09/2018 should be a taken into the consideration.
This benefit will bee not be a available to any new land holder for the next five years except in a case of the transfer of the ownership from inheritance due to the death of the land holder.
The land holder are registered as a land holder in the period from 01/12/2018 to 01/04/2018 will be a entitled to the benefit from the date of the registration of the land holding in the land are record.
In a cases where the right of the ownership of the cultivable land has been a transferred from 01/12/2017 to the 31/01/2018 due to the reasons including in a purchase, inheritance, will, gift, from in the transfer date for in the first installment of the financial year 2016-17. For in the period up to the 31/09/2018, the benefit will be a eligible in the proportion of the four months.
Who doesn't get help:
Under in the scheme in the farmer family with a high economic status outlined below will be a disqualified for in the benefit.
- Institutional in a landholders
- One or a more persons are belonging to the land are holding to the farmer in a family who are included in any of the following.
2. Current and former in a Minister / Minister of the State, Current and former Member of the Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha / Legislative Assembly, Current and former Chairman of the District Panchayat
3. Serving and Retired (All) - Regular (Multi-Tasking Staff /) of the Central and State Government in a Ministries / Offices / Departments and it is a Regional Offices, All Public Enterprises of the Central and State Governments, All the Autonomous and Affiliated Institutions under Central and State Governments as well as a Local Bodies.

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Taxpayers who have a paid income tax in the last assessment year as well as a professionals such as a doctors, engineers, lawyers, chartered accountants and architects who are registered with a professional bodies and have a business in a practice..
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