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Friday, September 18, 2020

Daily Home Learning Video and textbook std 3 to 5

Daily Home Learning Video std 3 to 5 date 20 september 2020

  • Home Learning and Textbooks Std. 3rd to 5th.

Hello friends, today's videos of Gujarati and Mathematics of Std. 3rd to 6th and textbook have been posted here for all of you. Can learn online We are always at your service.

If we continue to provide you with videos of all home learning for the month of September and textbook through our website every day, we request you to provide this information to all students of Std. 3rd to 6th....

Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the normal found out of face-to-face lectures during a classroom. Although many academic units have also started blended learning, still tons of them are cursed with old procedures. 

Our home learning principles:

  • Home learning enables children to practise, apply and extend their skills and knowledge learned in class .
  • Home learning fosters interest and excitement motivating the youngsters to become life-long learners.
  • Decision making, organisation and private responsibility for learning are developed.
  • Opportunities are provided to develop a variety of skills across all areas of the curriculum in new and different contexts.
  • Home learning outcomes are always valued, shared and celebrated during a sort of settings, developing a way of pride.
  • All tasks are going to be designed with open ended outcomes so as to market personalised learning.
  • Collaboration between children and their families is inspired through meaningful engagement within the child’s learning.

The deadly and communicable disease Corona Virus also referred to as Covid-19 has deeply affected the worldwide economy. This tragedy has also surprised the education sector, and this fear is probably going to resonate across the education sector globally. 

The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak forced many faculties and colleges to stay closed temporarily. Several areas are affected worldwide and there's a fear of losing this whole ongoing semester or maybe more within the coming future. Various schools, colleges, and universities have discontinued in-person teaching. As per the assessment of the researchers, it's uncertain to urge back to normal teaching anytime soon. As social distancing is preeminent at this stage, this may have negative effects on learning opportunities. Educational units are struggling to seek out options to affect this challenging situation. These circumstances make us realize that scenario planning is an urgent need for tutorial institutions. 

Quantity and frequency of home learning:

The main focus of home learning is to assist your child to read, spell, write and to become confident in maths. Home learning will follow a daily pattern hebdomadally for each year group with attention upon basic skills.

Specific guidance for folks about the character and quantity of the homework are often found at the front of the homework book.




Schools are closed to children right now when the Corona epidemic is raging. Therefore, Gujarat State Government GCERT has released "Learn at Home" books for Std. 1 to 8 for the month of september -2020. These books will be delivered to children. Children will be able to study at home.


Flexibility is another interesting aspect of online learning; a learner can schedule or plan their time for completion of courses available online. Combining face-to-face lectures with technology gives rise to blended learning and flipped classrooms; this sort of learning environment can increase the training potential of the scholars . Students can learn anytime and anywhere, thereby developing new skills within the process resulting in life-long learning. the govt also recognizes the increasing importance of online learning during this dynamic world.

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