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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Home remedies for diseases through the use of medicinal plants

 Home remedies are for a diseases through in the use of  the medicinal plants

  • Ardusi:
  • Cough :
  • Breathing:
  • Cold:
  • Aloe vera:
  • As a bath soap:
  • As an herbal super gel:
  • As an Herbal Hair Cleaner:
  • As an herbal scrub cream:
  • As Herbal Health Zincs:
  • Keeping the digestive system clean:
  • Tulsi:
  • Digestive problems:
  • Fever:
  • Cough-Cough-Cold Protection:
  • Breathing problems:
  • Fever.


Arduosi is a medicinal plant. It is a leaves, flowers, roots as well as a whole plants are used as a medicine but  in the leaves are used to the exclusively.

Cough :

Especially used in a bile and the  phlegm cough. Ginger juice with a  Arduous for a cough and Arduous juice with a sugar or a black grapes for a bile cough. Cough is cured by a shading, crushing and the licking in  the flower of  the Arduous in a honey.


Giving a Arduous juice with a ginger and the honey also relieves shortness of the  breath due to the cough. Honey can be  a obtained by a boiling in the leaves of the Arduous in a boiling ginger.


Take one teaspoon of  the basil juice, one teaspoon of the honey in two teaspoons of the Arduous juice and the drink it morning-evening-night. Two teaspoons of the  freshly squeezed juice of the  Arduous and one teaspoon of the  honey licked in the morning and the evening relieves cough and soon in the cough is a relieved.

Aloe Vera:

It is a considered to be one of the best herbs in the world for it is a medicinal properties.

Aloe Vera is an a herbal medicine. It is an a innocent, effective and the  completely side-effect-free herb. The medicinal value of aloe Vera is very high. This plant is considered a boon for a cancer, diabetes, jaundice, digestion, blood urination and the liver skin.

ખરજવા વિશે અહીંથી જાણો સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી

ખરજવું થવાના કારણો

અસરકારક ઉપાયો

As a bath soap:

The use of the soap made from aloe Vera destroys dust and the  bacteria on the body, opens in the pores of the skin and removes in  the wrinkles of the  old age.

As an herbal super gel:

The gel prepared from aloe Vera works a very effectively in a burns, aches, joint pains, backaches etc.

As an Herbal Hair Cleaner:

This hair are cleaner prevents hair from falling out, removes a dandruff, makes hair shiny and the beautifully plump.

As an herbal scrub cream:

Ab cream contains aloe Vera and the apricot. It is a removes acne pits, black spots, allergies, instruction itching etc. The face is a nailed as it is a provides nutrients to the skin.

As Herbal Health Zincs:

Drinking a aloe Vera herbal juice makes in the liver work very well so that all the diseases related to it are eliminated. Drinking juice prevents menstrual cramps, gum growth, body fat in a women.

Keeping the digestive system clean:

  • Aloe Vera are helps in a keeping in  the digestion healthy and  also has the ability to the remove toxins from in the body.
  • Helps to the reduce sores, flaky  in a skin, sunburn and  the itching. If you are bothered by a gaining weight, you can be should drink a small amount of  the aloe Vera juice in a  every day. Doing so keeps in the weight under control.
  • Hemorrhoids can be a relieved by a drinking aloe Vera juice are regularly.
  • Mixing a multi clay or a sandalwood powder in aloe Vera container are relieves skin acne.


Tulsi is a considered a very important medicine in the religious Hindu society. Tulsi is a considered important in a Ayurveda due to the properties are obtained from in this plant. Children, the elderly, women and the  men can all benefit from in the consumption of the  Tulsi.

Digestive problems:

For a  digestive problems like a flatulence, boil 10-15 basil petals in a glass of the  water and make a thick paste. Add to a pinch of the  Sindhi salt and the   drink it.


In a case of the  fever, add one teaspoon of  the basil petal powder and one teaspoon of the  cardamom powder in two cups of the  water and make it thick. Drink two to three times a day. You can also get the milk and water if you want to  the taste.

Cough-Cough-Cold Protection:

Basil is a used in almost all cough syrups. Basil petals help to clear the cough. Chewing fresh basil petals with a ginger for a while gives relief from cough. Boiling and the  drinking basil petals relieves sore throat. Drink about 10-15 petals of the  Tulsi boiled in a cup of the  milk to the  avoid cold in a rainy or a winter season. Basil extract is a beneficial in a reducing high fever.

Breathing problems:

Basil is a very useful for a treating respiratory in a problems. Drinking to a mixture made by a mixing honey, ginger and the basil gives relief in a colds.


Drinking a paste made from a salt, cloves and the  basil leaves are gives immediate relief from the influenza (a type of  the fever).

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