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Thursday, December 3, 2020

Cereals like sorghum and millet will keep the body warm in winter, eliminating iron deficiency; The soup will boost immunity

Winter Diet: Cereals like sorghum and millet will keep the body warm in winter, eliminating iron deficiency; The soup will boost immunity

  • Eat a handful of dried fruits once a day to brighten the skin and boost immunity.
  • Drinking soup keeps the body warm and boosts the immune system

In winter it is said to benefit from consuming coarse grains. Consumption of coarse grains i.e. sorghum, millet, ragi and maize maintains body temperature.

Ayurveda expert from Jaipur Dr. Kiran Gupta says that by consuming grains like jowar, bajra, ragi and maize in winter, the weight stays under control. It prevents constipation. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should not be consumed at all times. Bread made from coarse grains at one time and soup and lentils at night can be taken. Here are some things to keep in mind in winter. From Kiran Gupta ...

1. Eat these grains in the form of fala, roti or dosa

In winter, grains like sorghum, millet, ragi and maize should be consumed in large quantities. It can be taken in the form of donations, bread and dosa. This will reduce the amount of wheat and keep the weight under control. These grains help maintain body temperature. Excess ghee should be avoided with it.

2. Jaggery ladu and chikki can be taken

Dr. Kiran says that the nature of jaggery is also warm and it protects against cold cough. It is high in iron and protects against anemia. Jaggery and sesame ladu should be consumed. Apart from this, jaggery and peanut butter can also be taken. It is very nutritious.

3. Soup will boost immunity

The soup is beneficial in 3 ways. It keeps the body warm in the first winter. Second, over-consumption of vegetables provides nutrients. Third, it boosts the immune system. Include vegetables such as tomatoes, ginger, carrots, garlic and cauliflower in the soup. You can add cheese in it. Also specialize in the use of antelope.

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4. Drink water even in winter

Meals taken in winter are heavy, so it is necessary to deliver liquid to the body. It is also important to drink the right amount of water. Drink lukewarm water for body aches or colds and coughs. Even in winter, the body needs water as much as in summer.

5. Take a handful of dried fruits once a day

Take a handful of dried fruits once a day in winter. Cashews, almonds, walnuts, pistachios keep the body warm and boost immunity. It enhances memory and brightens the skin. It contains antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease and aging. Reduce the amount of heat.

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