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Friday, December 18, 2020

Registration for Corona Vaccine: Full Detail Necessory Documents

 Registration for Corona Vaccine: Full Detail  Necessory Documents

Registration for Corona Vaccine: The wait for the Corona Vaccine is coming to an end soon. This is being said because the Ministry of Health has provided important information regarding registration for the vaccine.

 Although there have been fewer new cases of corona infection in the country, the epidemic has not gone away. Countries around the world, including India, are watching the vaccine. Meanwhile, the Union Ministry of Health has given important information about Corona Vaccination in the country.

Corona vaccine is not mandatory

According to the Ministry of Health, it is up to the individual to decide whether to take the corona vaccine or not. It will not be made mandatory. Those wishing to be vaccinated must register first.

There will be online registration for the vaccine

Registration for the vaccine will be done online as per the registration process announced by the ministry. After which information about the time of vaccination will be given over the phone.

Details will be sent to the mobile number

The Union Ministry of Health further said that online registration would be mandatory to get the coronavirus vaccine. A mobile number will also be requested during registration. The date for vaccination will be given on this mobile number.

These documents must show

An identity card will also be required to get the vaccine. This will include driving license, voter identity card, Aadhaar card, bank passbook, any identity card issued by the state or the center.

ગુજરાતી ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો

દિવ્યભાસ્કર ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો 

Vaccination will begin soon

The health ministry says trials of several corona vaccines are in the final stages. The government will start vaccination as soon as the vaccine arrives. The ministry said the vaccine available in India would be as effective as the vaccine developed in other countries.

  • Advice to people who have recovered from corona
  • People infected with Kovid-19 in the East have also been advised to take a full dose of the corona virus vaccine, the health ministry said.
  • The health ministry said two doses of the vaccine would have to be given at 28-day intervals to complete the vaccination schedule. Priority groups have been selected at the centers for a large number of vaccinations based on the availability of vaccines. Such people are at higher risk and will be vaccinated on a priority basis.
  • According to the Union Ministry, the first group includes healthcare and frontline workers. The other group will be vaccinated people over 50 and under 50 who already have a serious illness.
  • Will an infected person be vaccinated? In response to this question, the ministry said that such a person would be vaccinated 14 days after the onset of symptoms of the infection.
  • Those eligible for vaccination will be given vaccination related information on their registered mobile number. Information will be given on which center they will be vaccinated at and when.
  • Registration is mandatory for vaccination. Photo ID is also mandatory for identification at the time of registration and vaccination.

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