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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Home Learning Daily Video 15 January 2021 std 1 to 12

 Home Learning Daily Video 15 January 2021 std 1 to 12

The World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 as an epidemic that has posed a up to date threat to humanity. This pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities with online learning serving because the educational platform. The crisis-response migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed and it's evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning are going to be more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities.

The whole educational system from elementary to tertiary level has been collapsed during the lockdown period of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) not only in India but across the world . This study may be a portrayal of online teaching-learning modes adopted by the Mizoram University for the teaching-learning process and subsequent semester examinations. 

it's forward to an intellectually enriched opportunity for further future academic decision-making during any adversity. The intended purpose of this paper seeks to deal with the specified essentialities of online teaching-learning in education amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the way can existing resources of educational institutions effectively transform formal education into online education with the assistance of virtual classes and other pivotal online tools during this continually shifting educational landscape. 

The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approach to review the perceptions of teachers and students on online teaching-learning modes and also highlighted the implementation process of online teaching-learning modes. the worth of this paper is to draw a holistic picture of ongoing online teaching-learning activities during the lockdown period including establishing the linkage between change management process and online teaching-learning process in education system amid the COVID-19 outbreak so on overcome the persisting academic disturbance and consequently make sure the resumption of educational activities and discourses as a traditional course of procedure within the education system.

Many schools held out hope of resuming a minimum of some on-campus classes and operations this fall. But over the summer, a growing number of schools adopted primarily online or hybrid learning models. consistent with The Chronicle of upper Education, out of nearly 3,000 colleges, just 4% are fully in-person, as of October 2020.

Colleges and students weren't prepared for prolonged campus closures. Both face a spread of challenges going forward. thanks to smaller coronavirus outbreaks, some institutions have already been forced to shut a second time.

Several universities concluded their fall terms — or a minimum of their in-person components — by Thanksgiving break. After learning from both the successes and failures of the autumn , colleges are beginning to feel more confident in their spring plans and methods of containing the virus.

Digital transformation isn't a completely unique phenomenon, and it's been accompanying education institutions for a few years now (Kopp et al., 2019; Leszczyński et al., 2018). Digital transformation of upper Education institutions may be a topical issue that several stakeholders of education must feel concerned about, abilities to use ICT in every spheres of life are on incremental level, thus universities must be up to the task of preparing potential professional to be ready to face challenges and supply solutions (Bond et al., 2018; Sandkuhl & Lehmann, 2017), and this transformation has suggested the mixing of sustainable management to be ready to suits the modifications enforced as a results of novel technologies (Abad-Segura et al., 2020) and pandemic recently.

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