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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

sore throat effective Ayurvedic remedies

 If you have a sore in a  throat, adopt these effective Ayurveda in a remedies

Take to  a 15-20 ml of  the mango juice twice to a day with to a teaspoon of the honey.

Troubles like to  a sore throat with in  the changing seasons. Sore are throat is also caused by a change in a eating  in the habits. Eating to  a deep fried food like a pagoda, bhaji ya often a causes sore in a throat. Ayurveda Dr. Diksha Bhavsar said that a sore throat can be a avoided by a adopting some home remedies.

Sore throat also causes pain.

1. To rinse

Add a  1 teaspoon of  the turmeric and half a teaspoon of the  salt to 250 to 300 ml of water and boil for a 5 minutes. When warm, rinse with this water. You can rinse 3-4 times a day. This will relax your throat.

2. Jethi honey powder will also benefit

Mix to  a honey in one teaspoon of the  jet-hi honey  powder, lick it is a  twice or a put a warm water in it and the rinse. Do this rinse once a day..

Mango juice is beneficial for the throat.

3. Mango juice

Take a 15-20 ml of  the mango juice twice a day with a teaspoon of the  honey.

વાત પિત્ત અને કફ વિશેની માહિતી અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી મા

4. Beneficial fenugreek seeds

Boil a one teaspoon of  the greenback seeds in a 250 ml of the  water for five minutes and strain it.

5. Cinnamon powder

Boil half a teaspoon of  the cinnamon powder in a 250 ml of  the water for a five minutes. When it is a warm, mix honey and lemon in it and drink it.

Basil in a leaves are also beneficial in a many ailments.

6. Basil leaves

Boil a 4-5 basil leaves in a water and strain it and drink it. You can bee also mix to a honey and the ginger in it.

7. Black pepper is also beneficial

Dip a turmeric and black pepper in the  warm milk and drink it before going to the  bed. This will  bee a get rid of the sore throat.

8. Lemon and honey

Mix half a teaspoon of  the lemon and honey in a warm water. Drink it Drink warm water all day. It will  bee also give a relief to the throat.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ઉપચાર ગુજરાતીમા 

કાકડા સાથે સંકળાયેલ સમસ્યાઓ

All these home remedies will relieve sore throat. Sore throat is caused by changing seasons. It can bee also be cured with home remedies.

Ginger rich in antibacterial properties

Ginger has  to a antibacterial properties, relieving sore throat and  in  the  pain. Boil ginger in a cup of water. Then drink that a  water two to three times. Doing so will bee a  greatly relieve sore  in a throat.

Garlic will get relief

Garlic is very beneficial for health. To the relieve sore throat, keep a clove of  the garlic on both sides of the mouth and rotate slowly. The sore throat will be a relieved as the garlic juice goes down the throat.

Salt water

When in  the throat is bad, the cells of the mucous membrane become swollen. Salt reduces this swelling, which is relieved. Apart from  in this, tea made from cloves, basil, ginger and pepper is also beneficial.

Drink cinnamon milk

Cinnamon cures sore throat. Heat in the milk in a pan to make a cinnamon milk, put a small piece of the  cinnamon wood in it and turn off the gas. Then mix a honey in it and strain it. Sore throat and pain will be a relieved.

Stay away from spicy dishes

Remember are  not to eat more spicy food when you have a sore throat. Avoid to  a cold water and in the  ice cream to the  control in the  sore throat.

Tonsil conditions

Severe in the tonsillitis: Inflammation of the tonsils due to  the bacterial or a viral infection. The tonsils are may bee  to have a gray or a white coating.

Recurrent in a  chronic tonsillitis: This is a persistent tonsillitis  are infection. It is often caused by a recurrent attacks of the  tonsillitis.

Blisters around  in the tonsils: Infection around  in the tonsils causes abscesses filled with a pus. Which are  the  pushes in the tonsils in the opposite in a direction. Such blisters need to be  a cleaned immediately.

Acute mononucleosis: usually a caused by a Epstein Barr virus. Infection with this virus can  bee a cause severe swelling of the tonsils, fever, sore throat, sore throat and  the fatigue.

Strap throat: Caused by a bacterium called Streptococcus. Infections of these bacteria cause a fever in the tonsils and throat. There is a  pain in the neck and  the inflammation in the throat.

Enlarged tonsils (hypertrophy): Large tonsils  are reduce air space, which can  bee a lead to snoring or a shortness of the  breath.

Tonsillitis (tonsillitis): Tonsillitis or a tonsillitis occurs when the debris of the dead cells on the tonsils hardens.

Tonsil test

Throat rubbing  in a test: The doctor rubs Rs. On the tonsils and throat and sends it for a testing. This is a usually done to the  find out the probability of  the infection with a bacterium is  called a Streptococcus.

Mono spot test: This test tests the blood to the  find certain antibodies. This test confirms whether the patient's visible symptoms are due to the  mononucleosis.

Epstein-Barr  in a virus antibodies: Mononucleosis can be a diagnosed from a  Epstein-Barr virus antibodies if the mono spot test is a negative.

Tonsil treatment

Antibiotics: If a tonsillitis is a caused by a bacterial infection, it can be a treated with to  a antibiotics.

Abscess Drainage: The abscess around the tonsils is a usually removed with the help of a needle and the infection inside it needs time to heal. If the tonsils are the frequently infected or if they are large in a size, surgery is a needed to the  remove in them.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

10 Impressive Health Benefits Of Onions

10 Impressive Health Benefits Of Onions

They might make you cry, but you will only laugh in the long run. Such wonderful the benefits of onions are. And some of them are downright surprising.

Onions are best known for two things: bad breath and tears. The popular vegetable found in most types of cuisine gives dishes their flavorful taste, transforming any meal to an aromatic experience. Raw Onions not only provide an excellent taste for our palates, but provide therapeutic and antibacterial properties that cleanse and detox our bodies to eliminate disease.

Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions.

Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like onions decreases the risk of overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease.

Plant foods also promote a healthful complexion, hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

Onions health benefits includes supporting immune system, preventing cancer, detoxifying the body, aiding antioxidant production, supporting healthy digestion, managing anemia, managing diabetes, supporting hair growth, slowing down aging process, fighting fungal and microbial, relieving pain, relieving cough and cold symptoms, and supporting healthy bones.

Onion is a staple in most of the known cuisines in the world. I personally cannot get over how delicious caramelized onions can be. In Indian cuisine it is the base of almost all curries and stews. Pour a little oil, add chopped onions, garlic, and green chili, there you have it! The perfect base to build any dish. Onions are extremely versatile and add a distinct flavor to food; there are many dishes that are made with onion as the key ingredient. I once had a chance to visit a Sri Lankan friend who had especially made onion curry for me. This is a dish that is made entirely made of onion with oil and seasoning. Then there is the onion pie, also based entirely on onions.

Onions are a superfood, a gift of nature. On understanding what onions can really do, it leaves us in awe of this vegetable. There are many varieties that can be used in different ways; green onions can be sprinkled on top of any savory dish. Not only does it add a pop of freshness and color, but it is also extremely beneficial in helping digest what you eat.  Onions are often considered as one of the world's healthiest foods, packed full of essential nutrients.

The nutritional composition of an onion is quite interesting. The scientific name of the onion plant is Allium Cepa. Onions are full of antioxidants and contain a number of sulfur-containing compounds. This definitely makes this vegetable appealing. Onions are found in many different sizes and can be eaten raw or cooked. A medium sized onion is composed of 89% water, 1.7 % fiber and 9% of carbohydrates. Onions contain 9.3 g of carbohydrates, 1.1 g of protein, 0.01 g of omega 6, 1.7 g of fiber and 4.2 grams of sugar. Onions also contain multiple vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin B6,  vitamin B9, vitamin C, folate, and potassium. There are multiple phytonutrients that are found in onions. These are Anthocyanins, quercetin, sulfur-compounds, and thiosulfinates.

Whether it’s white, red or yellow onions, these pungent allium vegetables are full of health benefits in addition to big flavor. Through a high supply of nutrients and antioxidants — including flavonoids and polyphenols — eating onions can help you maintain better blood sugar levels, facilitate in building strong bones and be protective against inflammation, which we know is at the root of most diseases.

Studies have linked this amazing vegetable to cancer and heart disease prevention, plus lower risks of developing arthritis, asthma, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and other health benefits.

Most people know that onions are very important for health.  Making them part of your diet helps you stay away from many infections and diseases. If you are sick and are looking for a quick heal medicine, then this wonderful vegetable is your best option.

The pungent odor might keep you away but the benefits are totally worth it. They can be cooked in almost all the recipes and can be consumed very easily. Onions are loaded with many nutrients and antioxidants that keep you away from illness and also make you glow due to their detoxification properties.  

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a health care professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.
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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Health Benefits and Uses of Garlic

Benefits and Uses of Garlic, The Most Powerful Medicinal Herb On the Planet.

Garlic is not only used widely to add flavor in cooking, has also been used as a medicine throughout ancient and modern history for its amazing health benefits and proven effectiveness to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases.

Intensely aromatic and flavorful, this powerful herb is used in virtually every cuisine in the world. When eaten raw, it has a powerful pungent flavor that matches its truly mighty health benefits. Garlic is particularly high in certain sulfur compounds that are responsible for its scent and taste, as well as its very positive effects on human health. It is one of the most powerful and beneficial herb on the planet with more than 5000 peer-reviewed articles that evaluated its ability to prevent and improve a wide spectrum of diseases. 

આ પણ વાંચો: દૂધ સાથે હળદર પીવાના અદભુત ફાયદા

Eating garlic is considered taboo in some religions but this is something that many people do not know the benefits of.  Garlic not only makes cooking delicious but also gives some benefits to the body.  Garlic is considered to be very beneficial for health and eating it keeps many diseases away.  Consumption of a clove of garlic destroys many diseases. 

Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic.  Eating garlic on an empty stomach in the morning has many benefits to the body.  Just as garlic enhances the flavor of a dish, it also has many other benefits that may surprise you. 

Benefits of eating garlic

Taking garlic paste with soy oil keeps the liver clean.  Fresh garlic contains TB germs.  A person who has bowel cancer can get relief by using garlic as per the advice of a doctor.  Free radicals in the body can cause cancer, which garlic is very useful to cure. 

આ પણ વાંચો:- 

People who have high blood pressure use garlic to keep the veins smooth and the blood circulating well.  Relieves illnesses such as anemia, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, hypoglycemia, asthma, cough, allergies, diarrhea, and cancer.  It is beneficial for relieving constipation.

Applying garlic juice on acne removes acne.  The skin contains an element called allicin which keeps the skin soft and supple.  Daily intake of one bud provides nutrients like Vitamin A, B, Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium.  Applying garlic oil on the palms and soles of the feet removes mosquitoes and does not bite. 

It keeps the skin soft.  Skin infections and any skin related problems are eliminated.  Its use reduces fat and reduces waist circumference.  It gives a lot of relief to diabetics.  It increases the amount of insulin which helps in relieving diabetes. 

Lowers the amount of cholesterol in the body which prevents the blood from clotting and thins the blood.  Consumption of garlic eliminates the problem of blood loss.  Protects against heart attack.  Soaking garlic buds in fern oil and applying the oil in the ear relieves ear pain.

Using garlic in meals boosts the immune system.  If you have seasonal cold and cough, make garlic tea and drink it to get rid of it.  It also eliminates the problem of cough.  Its consumption relieves acidity and gas.  Using garlic stops tangled hair.

People who eat garlic cloves with a glass of water every morning always have a good digestive system.  It also avoids digestive problems.  This method is also beneficial in weight loss.

Garlic save is very beneficial for people who have problems with blood thickening.  Garlic prevents blood clotting so 1 clove of garlic should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning.

Eating water and raw garlic flushes out toxins from the body.  This is the best way to detox the body.  This way you can avoid diabetes, depression and many types of cancer.

Garlic controls cholesterol levels due to its antioxidant properties.  If you consume garlic regularly, both your blood pressure and blood sugar will be under control. 

Drinking water with garlic reduces the chances of developing common health problems such as colds, coughs and asthma.  Garlic is a common recipe for treating these problems.

And do you know what all this research revealed?

Eating garlic regularly is not only good for us; it has been linked to reducing and helping to prevent four of the major causes of death worldwide, including heart disease, stroke, cancer and infections. 

We believe every person on the planet should consume garlic. It’s one of the best herbs to keep up your good health, it’s very inexpensive and tastes absolutely fantastic. So find out more about the amazing benefits of garlic, uses and latest research on this fantastic super-food.

લસણ ખાવાના અન્ય ફાયદા વિશે જાણો

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a health care professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

Health Benefits and Uses of Garlic
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Home Remedies For Piles

Home Remedies For Piles

6 Excellent Home Remedies For Piles

Piles or Hemorrhoids can be defined as swellings that develop inside and around the anus. They are cushions of tissue, which consist of blood vessels, muscle and so on. They are present in varying sizes and could also be outside the anus. It is not considered a serious problem and generally they disappear on their own. However, it is important to note that, sometimes, surgical procedures are required to remove piles. Generally, genetic factors are associated with piles. They could be inherited. It is believed that as one grows older, the risk of developing piles increases. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to this problem. Often, it is seen that excessive abdominal pressure causes the veins in the anal area to swell up, transforming into piles. Obesity is a major factor here. Another important factor, which is often sidelined, is one’s diet. Diet is a predominant aspect of our lifestyle and an unhealthy diet could be the result of innumerable health issues, piles being just one of them.

Excessive abdominal pressure causes the veins in the anal area to swell up, transforming into piles.Very often people do not realize that they are suffering from piles. Certain visible symptoms that would help recognize the issue are present. Pain and bleeding in the anus is very common. Mostly people see the development of a lump or a swelling in the area, which means there are piles. Itching and anal discharge is also common.Fortunately, the cure of this problem lies no further than your own home. You need not worry as the treatment for piles lies in your hands itself.Here are some home remedies that work wonders in the case of piles.

Surgical treatment : It can be easily explained in flow chart.

Non surgical treatment : Several medication options are also available in the market that makes the symptoms more manageable for an individual. It includes painkillers, Ointments, creams, and pads.

☛ Corticosteroids : It is a cream more often known as steroids, are an anti-inflammatory that can be life-changing or life-saving medication. It gives immediate relief from symptoms of piles, but remember it is quite potent, so, long term use makes the skin thinner around your anus

☛ Arsha hita ointment : The most smoothening Ointment for the complaints of Piles & being very effective in reducing pain & burning sensation of Piles & related diseases. Sarja Rasa helps stop bleeding & reduces Itching sensation of Piles & Fissure. Karpoora acts as a Painkiller by relaxing the smooth muscles of the Guda Pradesh & reducing Burning sensation

☛ Hydrocortisone : Hydrocortisone can help with the pain and itching this treatment comes in the form of creams, ointments, foams and suppositories.

☛ Ibuprofen : It is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug that improves your symptoms. These medicines may not be suitable for people having stomach troubles Heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney impairment and asthma.

☛ Aspirin : It also can be taken for mild to moderate pain. If you have indigestion, reflux and ulcers then it should be taken with caution.

Other painkillers that are commonly used are Acetaminophen, Naproxen and many more.

☛ Laxatives : laxatives are the supplements which ease the movement of stools as constipation is one of the major cause of piles. A fiber supplements such as Metamucil (psyllium) or Citrucel can prevent constipation.

Homeopathic treatment for Piles

☛ Nux vom : Nux Vom helps to ease the constipation. It also relieves acidity, heaviness of abdomen. It also helps in removing stools or empting of rectum with faecal material. It is also effective for patients with irritable hypochondriac and fastidious nature.

☛ Bryonia : It is also helpful in constipation, It increases the thirst for water means helps patient to have more water.

☛ Lycopodium : It is helpful for patient having flatulence, acidity, gastritis.

☛ Carboveg : It is helpful for patient having flatulence, acidity, gastritis.

☛ Sulphur : Helpful for burning sensation of anus after stool. it also helpful in itching of anus.

☛ Anacardium : It is helpful in constipation. Also helpful for patient having a tendency of forgetfulness and low confidence. If those symptoms are present in a person anacardium is the suitable remedy.

☛ Aesculus : It is effective in patient with pain, burning and itching, also helpful in inflammation of piles and it also relieves constipation. 

Home remedies of Piles

Castor oil : Castor oil has wide ranging properties like anti-oxidant rich, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. This ingredient decreases the size of piles.

☛ Have Warm Bath or Sitz Bath : Dip your anal area in a tub filled with warm water for approx. 10-15 minutes and pat gently afterwards to dry. Do it two or three times a day especially after a bowel movement. It can improve your hygiene, reduce inflammations and discomforts caused by Piles.

☛ Get rid of Rough Toilet Papers : It is important to keep the anal area clean and hygienic after bowel movements. Always use moist towelettes, wipes, or wet toilet paper which is perfume and alcohol free. Avoid rubbing soap or dry toilet paper over the Piles. It is suggested to use wipes containing aloe Vera or witch hazel for Piles.

☛ Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is natural moisturizers that may help in Piles symptoms reduce the urge to scratch i.e Natural cure for Piles. You can take coconut oil internally by consuming or apply it externally. Both methods can effectively treat your problem. It is also helpful in itching caused by drying of piles.

☛ Aloe-Vera : Aloevera gel has been used in many cultures for variety of issues. It’s thought to have anti-inflammatory properties which may help to reduce irritation and provide relief from burning, itching and swelling. The important fact is that the use of herbal treatments is independent of any age groups.

☛ Garlic : Garlic can be considered one of the best herbal natural hemorrhoids remedies because of its antibacterial properties. Apply the mixture of garlic water and insert one peeled garlic clove directly into the anus. This will help to cure piles naturally and stops the growth. It also reduces bleeding piles.

☛ Carrot : Drinking carrot juice and eating raw carrots heals piles fast. Also, you can mix spinach and carrot juice by adding 3 parts of carrots and 1 part of spinach. This recipe helps to reduce the bleeding piles.

☛ Load up on fiber : Fill your plate with fiber rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, and nuts. This makes your stool soft and moves through your body more easily. You may also try a supplement if you can’t get enough from foods

☛ Water : Human body is composed of 70% of water. if a person wants to get rid of many problems one should hydrate our body. water also helps in passage of stools from the body and also it takes away excessive heat from the body in the form of sweat.

And just like above there are 1000 of herbs which not only gives you symptomatic relief but also complete relief from the root cause of your problem.

હરસ-મસા ના આયુર્વેદિક ઉપચાર || થવાના કારણો || લક્ષણો જુઓ વિગતસર અહીંથી

Surgical treatment : It can be easily explained in flow chart.

Non surgical treatment : Several medication options are also available in the market that makes the symptoms more manageable for an individual. It includes painkillers, Ointments, creams, and pads.

☛ Corticosteroids : It is a cream more often known as steroids, are an anti-inflammatory that can be life-changing or life-saving medication. It gives immediate relief from symptoms of piles, but remember it is quite potent, so, long term use makes the skin thinner around your anus

☛ Arsha hita ointment : The most smoothening Ointment for the complaints of Piles & being very effective in reducing pain & burning sensation of Piles & related diseases. Sarja Rasa helps stop bleeding & reduces Itching sensation of Piles & Fissure. Karpoora acts as a Painkiller by relaxing the smooth muscles of the Guda Pradesh & reducing Burning sensation

☛ Hydrocortisone : Hydrocortisone can help with the pain and itching this treatment comes in the form of creams, ointments, foams and suppositories.

☛ Ibuprofen : It is a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug that improves your symptoms. These medicines may not be suitable for people having stomach troubles Heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney impairment and asthma.

☛ Aspirin : It also can be taken for mild to moderate pain. If you have indigestion, reflux and ulcers then it should be taken with caution.

Other painkillers that are commonly used are Acetaminophen, Naproxen and many more.

☛ Laxatives : laxatives are the supplements which ease the movement of stools as constipation is one of the major cause of piles. A fiber supplements such as Metamucil (psyllium) or Citrucel can prevent constipation.

Homeopathic treatment for Piles

☛ Nux vom : Nux Vom helps to ease the constipation. It also relieves acidity, heaviness of abdomen. It also helps in removing stools or empting of rectum with faecal material. It is also effective for patients with irritable hypochondriac and fastidious nature.

☛ Bryonia : It is also helpful in constipation, It increases the thirst for water means helps patient to have more water.

☛ Lycopodium : It is helpful for patient having flatulence, acidity, gastritis.

☛ Carboveg : It is helpful for patient having flatulence, acidity, gastritis.

☛ Sulphur : Helpful for burning sensation of anus after stool. it also helpful in itching of anus.

☛ Anacardium : It is helpful in constipation. Also helpful for patient having a tendency of forgetfulness and low confidence. If those symptoms are present in a person anacardium is the suitable remedy.

☛ Aesculus : It is effective in patient with pain, burning and itching, also helpful in inflammation of piles and it also relieves constipation. 

Home remedies of Piles

Castor oil : Castor oil has wide ranging properties like anti-oxidant rich, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. This ingredient decreases the size of piles.

☛ Have Warm Bath or Sitz Bath : Dip your anal area in a tub filled with warm water for approx. 10-15 minutes and pat gently afterwards to dry. Do it two or three times a day especially after a bowel movement. It can improve your hygiene, reduce inflammations and discomforts caused by Piles.

☛ Get rid of Rough Toilet Papers : It is important to keep the anal area clean and hygienic after bowel movements. Always use moist towelettes, wipes, or wet toilet paper which is perfume and alcohol free. Avoid rubbing soap or dry toilet paper over the Piles. It is suggested to use wipes containing aloe Vera or witch hazel for Piles.

☛ Coconut Oil : Coconut oil is natural moisturizers that may help in Piles symptoms reduce the urge to scratch i.e Natural cure for Piles. You can take coconut oil internally by consuming or apply it externally. Both methods can effectively treat your problem. It is also helpful in itching caused by drying of piles.

☛ Aloe-Vera : Aloevera gel has been used in many cultures for variety of issues. It’s thought to have anti-inflammatory properties which may help to reduce irritation and provide relief from burning, itching and swelling. The important fact is that the use of herbal treatments is independent of any age groups.

☛ Garlic : Garlic can be considered one of the best herbal natural hemorrhoids remedies because of its antibacterial properties. Apply the mixture of garlic water and insert one peeled garlic clove directly into the anus. This will help to cure piles naturally and stops the growth. It also reduces bleeding piles.

☛ Carrot : Drinking carrot juice and eating raw carrots heals piles fast. Also, you can mix spinach and carrot juice by adding 3 parts of carrots and 1 part of spinach. This recipe helps to reduce the bleeding piles.

☛ Load up on fiber : Fill your plate with fiber rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, brown rice, and nuts. This makes your stool soft and moves through your body more easily. You may also try a supplement if you can’t get enough from foods

☛ Water : Human body is composed of 70% of water. if a person wants to get rid of many problems one should hydrate our body. water also helps in passage of stools from the body and also it takes away excessive heat from the body in the form of sweat.

And just like above there are 1000 of herbs which not only gives you symptomatic relief but also complete relief from the root cause of your problem.

Heeng is used in cooking as well as curing ailments.

The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. JobsGujarat is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of jobsGujarat and our site does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Gujarati Calendar 2024 | Panchang, Shuba Muhurat, Holiday list, Festival | Diwali subh muhurt

Gujarati Calendar 2024

One of the best Gujarati Calendar on 2024 of it is a kind. You can a view today's tithe, festival, Janmrashi and the holidays with a just in a  one click..

2024 on  ગુજરાતી કેલેન્ડર 2024 Gujarati Calendar is a offline calendar and the free calendar app for all  the Gujarati speaking people are  across in  the globe.

Free to a calendar almanac app for a Gujarati in a  people (Also known as a Gujarat calendar on  2024).

Gujarati calendar apps is a highly useful to know in a festivals, holidays, Shubh Muhurat & the Gujarati panchang 2024 information

ગુજરાતી કેલેન્ડર 2024 માં તમને મળી રહેશે...

– તિથી, તહેવારો, જાહેર અને બેંકિંગ રજાઓ, જન્મરાશી, ચોઘડિયા, વ્રત કથા, નક્ષત્ર, વિંછુંડો, પંચક, પંચાંગ, ગુજરાતી કુંડળી, લગ્ન ગુણ ના મિલન.

Full Gujarati Calendar Nanchang of the year on  2024 with all the Hindu festivals, Tit hi, Var, Paksha, Karen, yoga, Nakshatra in the  Gujarati.

Gujarati Calendar 2024 | Panchang, Shuba Muhurat, Holiday list of the  Festival | Diwali subh muhurt

✦ Calendar images
✦ Vrat Katha – Ekadashi And  the  Other in the  Festivals
✦ Gujarati Calendar With Choghadiya
✦ Sunrise and Sunset timings
✦ Festivals 2024 (ગુજરાતી તહેવારો)
✦ Holidays 2024 (ગુજરાતી રજાઓ)
✦ S hub Muhurt dates of the  2024 (Marriage dates and  Grih Pravesh dates, Vehicle are purchase in a details, Namakaran in a dates)
✦ Nakshatra and Rasi details
✦ Fasting days in every month
✦ Government Holidays of 2024
✦ Gujarati Astrology info or a Gujarati are astrology  in a details (ગુજરાતી જ્યોતિષ)
✦ Share in  the Gujarati are astrology on 2024/ Gujarati rashifal across to your friends and  the family

ગુજરાતી કેલેન્ડર 2024

● Best calendar on 2024 Gujarati calendar app with all the  Gujarat panchang calendar and the  new information

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Gujarati calendar on  2024 is a free almanac calendar in a app, Known as a Gujarati calendar are panchang in  a app - ગુજરાતી પંચાંગ  on 2024 (Hindu calendar )

What can we bring to you?

  • ☛ Festivals Vrats for 2024 gujarati holidays
  • ☛ Nakshatra, tit hi and the  rashifal in a details Shub Muhurat in a dates
  • ☛ Fasting days in every month
  • ☛ Hindu Holiday list
  • ☛ Government Holiday.

ગુજરાતી કેલન્ડર 2024 એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

● Simple UI/UX and new material design

● Home Screen:

- Date, day, Year

- Sunrise & Sunset timings

- Navigation for all other screens (Calendar, Festivals & Vrats, Holidays & Shubh Muhurat)

● Calendar Screen:

- All of  the months calendar for a year on  2024 - Gujarati calendar to  all the  year

- Zoom in and zoom out of the calendar for a best user in the  experience.

● Festivals & the  Vrats on a  Screen: (Gujarati calendar in a  festival)

● Holiday Screen:

- Government holidays 

● Shub Muhurat Screen:

- List of vivah muhurat

- Griha Pravesh dates

- Property dates

- Vehicle purchase

gujarati calendar and the  panchang on  2024 has a  Kundali for a 2024, Daily  Panchang are including in  the Thoran, choghadiya sathe, Nakshatra, rashifal. Today tithi, today panchang. It is a Hindu calendar on  2024 with a offline calendar which are the shows today's Panchang - Gujarati calendar in a English
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Monday, October 18, 2021

Remedies to prevent hair loss | Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff and hair loss

Remedies to prevent hair loss | Ayurvedic remedies for dandruff and hair loss

Hair loss is a problem that is affecting more and more women due to the modern lifestyle.  It is not a matter of concern if the hair falls out a little, but women are most worried if the hair starts to fall out more or it turns white prematurely.  Hair problems are exacerbated by rain and the humid environment after the rains.  At the same time, dandruff and dry hair are more common in monsoons and winters, and in today's fast-paced life, there is no time for proper hair care..

 Remedies to prevent hair loss

 If a disease like typhoid or dysentery persists for a long time, the hair will fall out even after the disease has disappeared.  Intestinal diseases If the disease takes a chronic form or even due to some skin diseases.

 Breastfeeding for a long time after delivery also causes hair loss.  In addition, lack of nutrition, vitamin deficiencies and frequent short-term pregnancies can lead to hair loss.

 Excessive consumption of salty, sour, spicy, hot, spicy foods is also considered to be a major cause of hair loss.  The opposite diet also causes hair loss.

 Continuous regular use of caustic soda soap can cause hair loss.

 Different types of chemical essential oils also endanger the health of the hair.

 Psychiatry, anxiety, grief, fear, anger, insomnia are also responsible for hair loss.

 In women, menstrual irregularities, short menstruation, excessive menstruation, white discharge, ulcers on the cervix, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. also cause hair loss.

 Hereditary causes Chronic diseases of the maternal or paternal side, even if inherited, cause hair loss.  These can include physical or mental ailments, including dementia, epilepsy, dementia, diabetes, skin psoriasis, hemorrhoids, atrophy, obesity and many more.

 One of the above basic causes of hair loss is that if the causes of hair loss can be eliminated, giving it up can be beneficial even without treatment.  In Ayurveda it is called Nidan Parivarjan.  Abandonment of pathogenic underlying causes is called diagnostic modification.

 Once you know the common causes of hair loss, you can get rid of it and do the following treatment to stop hair loss.

Consume more milk and seasonal fruits in the diet.
Do not use soaps that contain caustic soda.
Hair should be washed with Aritha, Shikakai, Matho, Triphala, Besan, Buttermilk etc.
Take a mild laxative every week with a delicious laxative.

 Use only homemade oils like Brahmi, Amla, Bhangro, Dudhi, Ratanjali, Moth.  Sit for half an hour in the morning sun after pouring oil.

 Take Chewanprash with two teaspoons of milk in the morning and at night.

 Hygiene: - Take two tablets in the morning and at night.

 Lohasav: - Drink four-five teaspoons before meal in the afternoon and at night by adding the same amount of water.


 One of the above basic causes of hair loss, if the causes of hair loss can be eliminated, it is beneficial to give it up even without treatment.  In Ayurveda, it is also called diagnostic 'Parivarjan'.  Abandonment of pathogenic underlying causes is called diagnostic modification.

 According to Ayurveda, there are pre-existing causes in the body.  Due to these reasons, there is an accumulation of air and bile impurities in the body and these accumulated impurities become inflamed and produce diseases.  Thus the internal process of causing the disease is already underway.  If this internal process is broken, that is, if the pathogenic root cause is abandoned, the disease will calm down on its own.

 Once you know the common causes of hair loss, you can get rid of it by following a simple course of action.

 Consume more milk and seasonal fruits in the diet.

 Do not use soaps that contain strong substances such as caustic soda.
 Hair should be washed with Aretha, Shikakai, Matho, Triphala, Besan, Buttermilk etc.
 Avoiding night wakefulness, anxiety, tension, fear, anger.

 The diet should be nutritious and balanced.

 Take a mild laxative every week with a delicious laxative.  Use only homemade oil from substances like Brahmi, Amla, Bhangro, Dudhi, Ratanjali, Moth.

 Sit for half an hour in the morning sun after oiling.
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Friday, October 15, 2021

2022 Calendar and Indian Holidays Calendar

2022 Calendar and Indian Holidays Calendar PDF 

2022 Calendar and Indian Holidays Calendar 2022 with Festivals & Tithi in Hindi

2022 Calendar - Shubh Calendar 2022 and 2022 Calendar App Contains High Quality Images of 2022 Calendar, Holidays list 2022, Festivals list 2022, Panchang details, Auspicious days / Shubh Muhurat For India 2022


* Easy And Simple To Use 
* High Quality Images Of 2022 Calendar
* List Of Indian Festival Calendar 2022

* View Maasam, Vaaram, Tithi, Panchang And Nakshatram, Auspicious days / Shubh Muhurat, Amavasya, Poornima, Vivah muhurat for 2022 Calendar 

* All 2022 Calendar events for all the religions 
* Muslim Holiday List Calendar 2022
* Hindu Festivals Calendar 2022
* Parsi Christian festivals Calendar 2022 
* Detail information about lunar events 
* Reminds about festivals one day before festivals 
* Best calendar 2022
* Best Hindu Calendar 2022
* Zoom in / Zoom out the calendar 
* Sankranthi details 
* Festival details 
* Hindi Panjika 

* 2022 Calendar - Shubh Calendar 2022 also contains Daily timing and position of Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Nakshatra, Yoga, Rasi, Karna, Sun-sign, Moon-sign, Rahu Kalam, Gulika Kala

* Shubh Muhurat 2022 details (Marriage dates, Vehicle Purchase, Namakaran, Grih Pravesh) 

* 2022 calendar also includes notes
* Hindu calendar 2022 in Hindi 


* Complete information about Indian holidays Calendar 2022
* Include national as well as state Holidays Also 
* Indian Bank Holiday Calendar 2022
* Government Holiday Calendar 2022 

2022 Calendar - Shubh Calendar 2022 app has Yamaganda, Calendar Bajda, Calendar Vastu, Shadi Muhurt, Rasipalan, Rashi, Hijri also. Calendar 2022 is a free calendar almanac app for all the people across the globe.

All features of the 2022 Calendar - Shubh Calendar 2022 works Offline and it is very small in size

2022 Calendar show festival for Hindu, musilim, Christian and sikh. 2022 Calendar also contains monthly Calendar view highlighting the Amavashya, Purnima, Ekadashi, Shasti, Chaturdashi, Shivratri, Triyodashi, Sankashti chathurthi vrat, Durgashtami and Chathurthi for Calendar 2022.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Instant Palm Reading, Astrology, Daily Horoscope & Vedic Kundli

Instant Palm Reading, Astrology, Daily Horoscope & Vedic Kundli

एस्ट्रोगुरु फॉर्च्यून टेलर, टैरो कार्ड, हस्तरेखा, राशिफल, भारतीय ज्योतिष और कुंडली ऐप है।


♈ Aries Horoscope

♉ Taurus Horoscope

♊ Gemini Horoscope

♋ Cancer Horoscope

♌ Leo Horoscope

♍ Virgo Horoscope

♎ Libra Horoscope

♏ Scorpio Horoscope

♐ Sagittarius Horoscope

♑ Capricorn Horoscope

♒ Aquarius Horoscope

♓ Pisces Horoscope


Users can consult and seek guidance from Astrologers who are experts in their respective fields of Astrology like Vedic, Tarot, KP Astrology, Prashna Chart, Lal Kitaab, Palmistry and Numerology. They are available 24 * 7 for consultation and to assist you with all your life’s problems.

☎️ Talk to Astrologers:

Users can Sign-up using their email id and a password or can use their Google id. Post logging in, users can recharge the SelectAstro wallet and start a live phone call or Live chat with any of the available Astrologers through our ‘Welcome Offer’ for first time users. Call and speak to Astrologers at affordable rates. 

🧙‍♀️Online Professional Service:

SelectAstro provides online professional service of daily horoscope, yearly horoscope, detailed kundali and life’s predictions.

🔮 Know Your Future:

The Astrologers can provide an accurate prediction of the future life of the User by reading of the Kundali (also known as Birthchart and Janampatri) as per vedic astrology.

Know about your fortune (bhavishya) based on your birthday(rashifal) & through your palm scan (hastrekha). Astro Guru uses advanced image processing for calculations in all palm readings & palm scanner. Our astrology is entrenched with the ancient Vedic methods of renowned Indian Gurus.

Are the astrological stars aligned in my favour? Will my career soar? Should I focus on my health? Will I have a happy married life? Install the app to know the answers to all your questions on future, fortune, career, relationships, marriage, numerology, kundli. The app provides daily horoscopes, kundli creation, dosha analysis, astrological remedies, kundli matchmaking, numerology, and consult astrologers.


★ Horoscope & Astrology: Never step out unprepared with our comprehensive daily horoscope that shows astrology predictions for zodiac signs. The app covers all horoscope zodiac signs (rashi): Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius Horoscope, Pisces Horoscope.

★ Palm Reading: Unravel your fate by knowing the interpretation of the 3 major lines of heart, head & life in chiromancy using our renowned palmistry scan. The heart line reading explains love, friendship & marriage, & the head line palm reading focuses on career & wealth. The life line gives an understanding of health from the free hand scan. Just scan your palm & let it read your palmistry lines to reveal your personality, fate & fortunes. AstroGuru is the best Palm Reader and Palmistry app on Play Store.

અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો કુંડળી એપ

Authorized astrologers:

  Astrologers go through various rounds of interviews to determine the knowledge and skills in their respective fields and to verify their authenticity.  They are rigorously trained to ensure a pleasurable customer experience.  We are proud of the quality of our astrologers who specialize in fulfilling accurate predictions and remedies.  Users can communicate with astrologers in Hindi, English and other user friendly languages.

  Privacy Guaranteed:

  Personal details and discussions between users and astrologers are completely private and confidential.  Whether it's a call or chat with your astrologer on the SelectAstro platform.  No data will be shared with any outside agency or organization, and we guarantee that your personal information will remain private and secure.

  Ur‍🎓 Our expertise:

  Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kundli Reading, Kundli Match, Tarot Card Reading, Gun Milan, Almanac, Palmistry, Vastushastra, Red Book, KP, Numerology, Pulse Astrology, Face Reading, Horoscope, Worship and Remedies.

  Quick, easy sign up and use:

  Use an existing email ID to sign up or Google Login for a quick sign up.

  - Easy payment methods:

  Recharge SelectAstro Wallet with Digital Wallet, NetBanking, Debit Card, Credit Card or UPI Banking

★ Consultations: Get astrology consultations from Indian astrologers & Fortune Teller for questions about your fate, love, kundli, fortune & married life.

The science of astrology can help you understand the relation shared by the zodiac signs of the couple. Check your love compatibility based on your zodiac signs. Horoscope from AstroGuru offers advice to mitigate the difficulties of the relationship.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021




 Download  Latest Gujarati Garba 2021 Download  Gujarati Bhajan Dandiya Ras 

Khelaiya helps you to learn the Gujarati folk dance known as “Garba" and “Dodhiya".This application includes graphical yet elaborative description of all types of dodhiyas and garbas.

Lots of and very latest collection of the Navratri Gujarati Garba, Dodhiya and Dandiya.

These Dodhiya and Garba are suitable for all types of Navratri songs including latest bollywood songs.

What Is Garba?

Garba is a form of dance which originated in the state of Gujarat in India.

Learn Garba Step by Step

Learn 3 Types of Garba
1. One Clap Garba
2. Two Claps Garba
3. Three Claps Garba

What Is Dodhiya?

The Dodiya / Dodia are Rajput, according to their traditions, they were based in and around Multan in Punjab during 12th and 13th centuries, when they built a fort near Multan by the name of Rohtashgarh.

Learn Dodhiya Step by Step

Learn 6 Type Of Dodhiya
1. 6 Steps Dodhiya
2. 8 Steps Dodhiya
3. 9 Steps Dodhiya
4. 12 Steps Dodhiya
5. 14 Steps Dodhiya
6. 15 Steps Dodhiya

Gujarati Songs, ગુજરાતી ગીત Garba contains wide collection OF Romantic, Sad and Latest Gujarati Songs from your Favorite singers.

This app provides SEARCH feature for its users to search their favorite songs in no time.

Best Gujarati singers include

Rakesh Barot, Jignesh Kaviraj, Arvind Vegda, Naresh Kanodia, Praful Dave, Falguni Pathak, Geeta Dutt, Asha Bhosle,Nayaran Swami, Aishwarya Majmudar,Alka Yagnik, Kumar Sanu, Udit Narayan, and many more..

Gujarati Songs Fan??

If you are, Killol is the best application for you to listen and enjoy all the guarati songs . Killol offers and unlimited access to Gujarati Songs, Dayro, Navratri Garba, Gujarati Film Songs , Devotional Gujarati Songs and all other popular Gujarati music that is trending in today’s era.

With the profusion of collection from Gujarati music , you will get to choose your favourites from millions. Browse through Top trending songs, recently played songs and your favorite playlists.

Key Features :-

Killol app comes with a vibrant yet user – friendly interface. It allows easy music streaming experience. This app comes with and unlimited streaming. Apart from that , Killol does so much more 

-- Covers all the Widest range of Gujarati Music.
-- Manage all your music in one personal place.
-- Create your own playlists and enjoy listening music.
-- Easy Play all button to listen to the complete album.
-- Easy Share Button to share your favourite music with you friends via

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